
A key functionality in the CoolSens system is the ability to send warnings and alarms when measurement values are outside the established limits. Effective management of these notifications allows for a quick response to adverse environmental changes, which is especially important in areas requiring strict climate control.


Within the CoolSens system, there are two types of notifications:
  • Warnings – These are sent when the temperature or humidity levels exceed recommended values but have not yet reached the alarm level. These warnings aim to alert users to potential issues, allowing for preventive actions to be taken.
  • Alarms – These are generated in critical situations when the temperature or humidity levels exceed the set alarm thresholds. These alarms require immediate intervention to prevent damage to stored products, equipment, material degradation, or other adverse effects resulting from uncontrolled climatic conditions.

Sending alarms

When the warning threshold is exceeded (the optimal operating range is exceeded) or the alarm threshold is exceeded, the system records an alarm event.

Active alarms

An active alarm is indicated on the top bar of the program. The label on the alarm icon shows the number of active alarms, which are those for which values are still exceeded beyond the warning or alarm thresholds (or have not returned to normal values within the accepted hysteresis). The hysteresis is designed to eliminate an excessive number of transmitted alarms in situations where the measured value oscillates near the threshold value.
Aktywne alarmy 4 en
Signaling of active alarms on the top bar of the program
Aktywne alarmy Mobile 1 en
Signaling of active alarms on the top bar of the program

Clicking an alarm in the list will take you to the alarm list view, clearing all previously set filters and showing only active alarms.

Clicking on the View all alarms button will display a list of all alarms.

Email notifications

Alarm List

The alarm list is available from the main application menu (ALARMS command).

The alarm table contains information such as:
  1. Alarm icon – an icon symbolizing the type of alarm and its status;
  2. Sensor, on which a value exceeding the warning or alarm threshold was measured;
  3. Location, where the sensor is located;
  4. Start date – date and time the alarm started;
  5. End date – date and time the alarm ended;
  6. Duration – duration of the alarm state;
  1. Content of the alarm notification (reason for sending it);
  2. Measured value;
  3. Comments – this button allows you to add and display a comment to the alarm. The dark color of the button means that a comment has already been added to the given alarm.
  4. The Archive button is used to hide an inactive alarm and move it to the archive;
  5. The column selection button – allows the user to specify which columns are to be displayed in the table.
  6. The Archive selected button simultaneously moves all the alarms that the User indicates by checking the checkbox in the first column;
  7. The filtering field allows you to search for alarms that meet specific criteria;
  8. The button is used to filter alarms – you can indicate a specific device, parameter, location or alarm status.
Alarm list

Alarm icon​

The alarm icon in the CoolSens system serves as an informational tool, providing key information about alarms that have occurred. It includes:

Alarm status – The icon indicates whether the alarm is still active or has already stopped.

  • An active alarm is marked with an animated bell. Additionally, the icon is filled with an intense orange color (for warnings) or red (for alarms);
  • the icon indicating an inactive alarm (the warning or alarm state has already passed) will be filled with a semi-transparent orange or red color; the bell icon will not be visible.

Alarm type– The icon indicates what the alarm is about:

  • temperature,
  • humidity,
  • battery charge level.

Alarm threshold – indicates which threshold has been exceeded:

  • hi-hiupper alarm threshold,
  • upupper warning threshold,
  • lower warning threshold
  • low-lowlower alarm threshold.

Depending on the type and status of the alarm, the icon can take on different colors and shapes, allowing you to quickly orient yourself in the situation.

Alarm Notes

The application allows you to add notes to alarms, which allows for ongoing documentation of the circumstances of the event and actions taken. The user can add a comment to each alarm, which facilitates later analysis and event history.

Notes can contain additional information, such as the cause of the alarm, remedial actions taken, or other important details. Added comments are visible in the alarm details. They cannot be edited or deleted, it is only possible to add further notes to the alarm.

Window with entered alarm comment.

  To add a comment to an alarm, click the comments icon in the line with the alarm. If no one has added a comment before, a window will open to enter a comment.

  If a comment has already been entered, you will be able to view it and add another comment to it.

Sorting, filtering and searching

Alerts are displayed in chronological order by default. You can sort them by the selected column by clicking on its header. Clicking the column header again will change the sorting order.

  1. The search field allows you to filter the alarm list – you can enter a fragment of the sensor name, date/time, measured value – the system searches for the entered phrase in all columns.
  2. The filtering functionality allows you to display events with a selected status from selected sensors or only those related to temperature or humidity.

Each item in the list represents a received alarm or notification and contains information such as:

  1. Alarm icon – check its meaning above;
  2. Sensor name, measuredvalue, notification content and date and time of receiving the notification;
  3. Details about the alarm – measured value, cause of the alarm, date and time of its start and end.
  4. Button for adding and reviewing comments to the alarm.
Alarm List View
  1. Search field allows you to filter the alarm list – you can enter a fragment of the sensor name, date/time, measured value – the system searches for the entered phrase in all columns.
  2. Filter functionality allows you to display events with a selected status from selected sensors or only those related to temperature or humidity.

Alarm details

Clicking on the selected alarm position on the list will open a window in which a graph will be displayed showing the value of the monitored parameter on the day the alarm occurred.

Thanks to this, the user can quickly analyze changes in a given value and identify any irregularities in the monitored environment.

Archiving alarms

As you use the system, the list of alarms can grow. If you don’t want inactive alarms to be visible, you can archive them.

  1. The ARCHIVE button at the end of each row is used to archive the specific alarm. It will no longer appear on the list but will not be deleted from the account history and will be visible in the alarm report.
  1. If you want to archive multiple alarms at once, select the desired rows using the checkbox in the first column of the table and click the ARCHIVE SELECTED button. Click the checkbox in the column header to select all alarms on the current page of the table.
  1. The ARCHIVE button at the end of each row is used to archive the specific alarm. It will no longer appear on the list but will not be deleted from the account history and will remain visible in the alarm report.
  1. If you want to archive multiple alarms at once, select the desired items using the checkbox in the alarm header and click the Archive selected option available in the menu under the button with three vertical bars. This menu also contains the Select all option, which selects all alarms visible on the displayed page of the table.

In this chapter