User Profile
User profile is where you can manage your data, preferences and settings. Below you will find detailed information about the features available in the user profile section:
- Login: Provided when creating an account, used to log in to the application.
- Name and surname: Update your personal data to always be up to date.
- Email address: Provide an email address to which all notifications and information from us will be sent.
- Phone number: Add or change a phone number for additional verification or SMS notifications.
- Role: Permissions granted when creating an account.
Time Zone: The time zone appropriate for the User’s location.
Locations: The locations that the User has access to. The account administrator always has access to all locations on the cat.

Editing User Profile

Usuwanie konta użytkownika
Jeżeli zdecydujesz się zakończyć korzystanie z naszej aplikacji, możesz usunąć swoje konto.
W celu usunięcia konta przejdź do edycji profilu klikając przycisk EDYTUJ, a następnie kliknij przycisk USUŃ.
Password change

The password must consist of at least 8 characters, contain a lowercase and uppercase letter, a number and a special character. During the password import, the above conditions are checked on an ongoing basis.

Password recovery
If you forget your account password on our app, you can easily recover it by following the steps below. This process ensures that your account remains safe and you can quickly regain access.
- Open the app and go to the login page.
- Click on the “Forgot my password” link located below the password entry field.
- In the window that appears, enter your account name and username (not your email address), then click the SEND button.
- Open the email inbox that you provided in your user profile; within a few minutes you will receive an email from us containing a password reset link. This link is valid for 24 hours. After this time, you will need to resend your password reset request.
- After clicking the link, you will be redirected to the password reset page. Enter your new password in the designated field, making sure it meets our security requirements (minimum 8 characters, contains upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters). Confirm your new password by re-entering it in the second field.
- Once you have successfully set a new password, you will be able to continue working in the application.
Account Details
Account details include information about the payer:
- Company name
- Address
- VAT No
- Email address and phone number of the person responsible for invoices and subscriptions.

Managing your account data in the app is crucial to ensuring your monitoring system runs smoothly and you receive all the information you need in a timely manner.